Jokes Of The Day

Jokes of the Day are like daily mood boosters, offering a quick laugh through clever humor and amusing anecdotes, making each day a little brighter. They’re a friendly reminder that even a moment of laughter can make a big difference in our daily lives.

Unlock daily joy with Jokes of the Day A laughter infusion awaits, turning routine moments into instant delights. Dive into humor that’s fresh, fun, and tailored for your daily dose of happiness. Embrace the power of a chuckle  because everyone deserves a daily pick me up.

Daily giggles served ‘Jokes of the Day’ are bite-sized happiness capsules, concocted to sprinkle joy into your routine. Whether witty one liners or quirky tales, these daily laughs make life a tad brighter, one chuckle at a time.

             The Old Generation Used To Say:

Moonlight comes from moon and not from stars,

Love Comes from one and not from thousand

                The New Generation Says:

If the moon gets moonlight, what will happen to stars

If you love one,what will happen to the other thousand


 Teacher:You know your Quaid-e-Azam passed his matric at age?

Child:And sir bhutto was hanged at your age

Teacher:on the day qayamat will come on this day,the sun of the earth will come close the earth will explode

Student: Will there be a holiday from school that day?


Jokes Of The Day
Jokes Of The Day

Pathan want to interview 

Manager pathan: where is Abu dhabi?

In the cemetery where our mother was buried,

A short distance away is Abu dhabi,

In china,to name a child,a steel pot is placed on the ground and the sound that come out of it is named

Ting,Tong Shing

First friend:what is the  cause of sadness?

Another Friend:Had an argument with his wife and said she wouldn’t talk for ten days!

First Friend:Dude,then you should be happy.

Another Friend:Today is the last day!!


Bilal was selling parachutes

A customer came:He asked how to open the parachutes

Bilal:When you jump from a height of ten thousand feet so pressing this button will open the parachute

Customer: If not open?

Bilal:So give it back,I live in the street.

The headmaster: arranged for a photographer to take photos for school admission and agreed on a fee of 10 rupees per student.

The headmaster:instructed the teacher to collect 30 rupees from each child for the photo.

The teacher: informed the class that each child needed to bring 50 rupees in the morning for the photo.

A student: however, misunderstood and told their mother that the school was asking for 100 rupees for the photo.

The child’s mother: in turn, incorrectly informed the father that the school was demanding 200 rupees for the photo.

Professor: Who was the first person to step on the moon?

Papo: It was Neil Armstrong.

Professor: That’s correct! And what about the other astronaut?

Papo: the other one can he kept was a  lame🙂


As the thief:chief was exiting the house after stealing, the child’s eyes suddenly opened.

The child exclaimed:Take my school bag as well, or I’ll make a loud noise.

Boy: Your suit looks well worn.

Girl: Thank you.

Boy: Your lipstick is applied very well.

Girl: Thanks.

Boy: The makeup is also nicely done.

Girl: Thanks, bro.

Boy: Still not looking good


A village: faced a flood, and a helicopter was used to rescue people.

The helicopter:saved 500 men from a village of 150.

The helicopter:approached the village leader (sarpanch) and questioned why it took out 500 when the total population is 150.

The sarpanch: explained that the villagers were unfamiliar with helicopters, so when they were rescued from one side, they returned to the village from the other side, not understanding the situation.

An officer; Asked Lord Nawaz what he had in his hand.

Lord Nawaz replied, Sir, this is a gun.

The officer said: Lord Nawaz, this is not just a gun; it is your honor, it is your glory. This is your mother.

Another Pathan: soldier, Gul Khan, was asked by the officer what he had in his hand.

Gul Khan: answered, Sir, this is Rab Nawaz’s mother, and your aunt is.


The students: and teacher were discussing the location of the Taj Mahal in class.

The teacher: mistakenly said it’s in Sargodha instead of Agra, where it actually is.

This confused all the students, and they shared the misinformation with their parents.

The next day: all the parents went to the school to complain about the incorrect teaching.

The teacher: responded by saying that the Taj Mahal would stay in Sargodha until the fees for June and July are paid.

The teacher: asked the parents to deposit the fees to resolve the issue.

I’m having a little party today at 9 o’clock, and I really want all of you to come!

We’ll have to discuss yummy chicken roast, cold drinks, curd pizza, samosas chaat, fritters, ice cream, and burger’s disadvantages.

It’s going to be a fun time, so please make sure not to forget to come!

I’ll share more details with you when you arrive. See you there.


Five friends visited a town and had a meal at a hotel.

When it was time to pay, everyone wanted to cover the bill and started arguing.

To settle the dispute, they decided on a race around the hotel, and the first to reach the gate after going around would pay.

The hotel owner blew a whistle to start the race.

Currently, they are still waiting for all five friends to reach the gate, sharing laughs and perhaps some ‘Funny Sunday Jokes’ along the way.

A Hindu and a Christian found themselves in the desert and spotted a mosque in the distance.

The Hindu; suggested, “Look, that’s a mosque. If we act like we’re Muslim, maybe we can get some food. I’ll say my name is Ahmed.”

The Christian: decided not to pretend to be a Muslim.

The Imam of the mosque warmly welcomed both of them and asked for their names.

The Hindu said: “My name is Ahmad,” and the Christian introduced himself as Michael.

The Imam then addressed the Hindu and asked, And how are your fasts going, Ahmed sir?

Rain began to fall.

Paindo: wearing black glasses, observed the raindrops.

Pandu looked up at the sky and exclaimed, Oh God! Your power is amazing. It does not rain in pind and the city is raining coca-cola.

Final thoughts

Jokes of the Day serve as delightful moments that bring smiles to our faces, injecting a dose of laughter into our everyday routines. Whether through a clever remark or a humorous tale, these clean jokes of the day contribute a refreshing lightness to our lives, serving as a reminder not to take everything too seriously. Take a moment to enjoy a good laugh, allowing the humor of the day to add a simple and joyous conclusion to your daily adventures to read jokes of the day.

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