90+ Funny Weather Puns and Jokes

90+ Funny Weather Puns and Jokes refers to a collection of humorous and clever word plays related to various weather conditions. These jokes use playful language and puns to bring laughter and amusement, making light of rain, sunshine, storms, and other meteorological phenomena.

Get ready to weather the storm of laughter with our collection of ‘90+ Funny Weather Puns and Jokes.‘ From sunny-side up humor to lightning-fast wit, these weather-related quips will have you rolling on the floor with thunderous laughter. Embrace the forecast of fun as we take you on a sunny, cloudy, and downright hilarious journey through the elements.

Step into a world of smiles and giggles with our delightful compilation, ’90+ Funny Weather Puns and Jokes.’ Brace yourself for a whirlwind of laughter as we bring you a sunny forecast of humor, raindrops of jokes, and lightning bolts of wit. Join us on this light-hearted journey through the whimsical side of weather, where every pun is a chance to brighten your day.

Clouds of Comedy

Why did the cloud go to therapy?

Because it had too many issues that needed to be “cloud-cleared”.

How do clouds like to communicate?

They send each other “sky-pe” messages.

What do you call a cloud that wears sunglasses?

An alto-stratus cool cloud.

Clouds of Comedy
Clouds of Comedy

Why did the cloud break up with the raindrop?

It felt like they were just going through a mist-understanding.

What’s a cloud’s favorite type of music?

Thunderstruck by AC/DC.

Why did the cloud get a job in customer service?

It was great at handling complaints and always knew how to diffuse a storm.

How do clouds apologize to each other?

They send fluffy white “apolo-gies”.

Why are clouds so good at keeping secrets?

Because they’re experts at keeping things under “cumulonimbus” wraps.

What do you call a cloud that plays piano?

A nimbus-note maestro.

How do clouds throw a party?

They plan a “cumulo-bash” with lots of thunderous music and lightning dance moves.

Funny Weather Puns

Funny Weather Puns
Funny Weather Puns

Why did the weather puns report go to therapy?

 It had too many emotional fronts.

What did one raindrop say to another?

Two’s company, but a cloud’s a crowd.

Why did the sun go to school?

 To get a little brighter.

How do you organize a fantastic space party?

You planet with meteorologists and sprinkle in some funny weather puns.

What did the tornado say to the sports car?

I’ll take you for a spin.”

Why did the weather puns forecaster bring a ladder to work?

To reach the high-pressure system.

How does a weather reporter stay dry?

They have a great sense of “humidity”.

What’s the weather’s favorite type of clothing?


Why did the cloud break up with the fog?

It felt like things were getting a bit too misty.

Why do weather puns make great comedians?

Because they always bring the perfect punchline, rain or shine.

Weather Jokes

Weather Jokes
Weather Jokes

Why did the weather puns report get promoted?

It had a high-pressure job.

How does the weather say goodbye?

Fair-weather well.

What did the cloud say to the lightning bolt?

You really know how to brighten up my day.”

Why did the snowman become a weatherman?

 He had a natural talent for forecasting.

What do you call a dinosaur with an umbrella?

 An “Umbrella Raptor”.

How do you catch a squirrel in a hurricane?

Climb a tree and act like a nut.

Why did the weather forecaster go to jail?

 They got caught for predicting a light breeze but delivering a hurricane.

What do you call it when a foggy day turns into a sunny one?

 A mist-erious transformation.

Why did the sun go to school early?

 It wanted to rise to the occasion.

What’s the weather’s favorite party game?


Weather Puns for Instagram

Weather Puns for Instagram
Weather Puns for Instagram

Why did the cloud break up with the sunshine? 

It needed some space to rain on its own parade ☁️🌦️ #WeatherHeartbreak”

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. 

When the weather gives you rain, make a splash! ☔️💦 #RainyDayFun”

Why did the weather report bring a pen to work? 

To draw some serious attention to the forecast! 🌈🖊️ #WeatherArtistry”

How do clouds decide who’s in charge? 

They have a little ‘cumulonimbus’ meeting. ☁️⛅ #CloudHierarchy”

What’s a snowman’s favorite genre of music? 

Anything that’s a little ‘cool’. ❄️🎶 #FrostyBeats”

Why did the wind break up with the calendar? 

It just couldn’t commit to blowing in the same direction every day. 💨📆 #WindyRomance”

What’s the weather’s favorite type of humor? 

Dry wit. 🌵😄 #WeatherJokes”

How do weather forecasters party

They make it rain with laughter. 🎉☔️ #ForecastFun”

Why did Cloud enroll in comedy school? 

It wanted to master the art of ‘cumulo-laughs’. ☁️😂 #CloudComedy”

What’s a meteorologist’s favorite game? 

Monsooner or later. 🎲🌧️ #WeatherGames”

Weather Puns Captions

Weather Puns Captions
Weather Puns Captions

When life gives you rainy days, 

wear cute boots and jump in the puddles. ☔️👢 #PuddleJumpingPro”

Weathering the storm of life with a smile and a pun.

 ⛈️😄 #StormySenseOfHumor”

Forecast for today: 99% chance of laughter, 1% chance of serious business. 

Let the pun shine. ☀️😂 #SunshineAndPuns”

I’m not a weather expert, 

but I predict a high chance of puns and a 100% chance of fun. 🌈😜 #PuntasticForecast”

Thunder or laughter? 

I choose the one that doesn’t require an umbrella. ⚡😆 #WeatheringWithLaughs”

My sense of humor is like the weather .

 unpredictable, with occasional bursts of sunshine. 🤪🌦️ #UnpredictableLaughs”

Life’s too short to be serious. Embrace the weather, 

and sprinkle it with a dash of puns. ☔️😁 #PunnyDays”

Why did the weather app go to therapy? 

It had too many mood swings. 📱🤔 #WeatherAppWoes”

Just like the weather, my pun game can be a bit ‘overcast,’ 

but I promise it’s still shining. ⛅😂 #Sunshine Forecast”

I’m not a meteorologist, 

but I can predict a 100% chance of puns in today’s captions. 🌧️😜 #PunnyCaptions”

Weather Puns One-Liners

Weather Puns One-Liners
Weather Puns One-Liners

Why did the weather break up with the calendar? 

I was tired of the dates always changing.”

I told a cloud a joke, but it just drifted away. 

Must not have found it too ‘uplifting’.”

What do you call fake spaghetti? 

An impasta. 

What do you call fake weather? 

A ‘drizzle’.”

Why did the sun go to therapy? 

It had too many issues with shining every day.”

How do weather forecasters party? 

They make it rain on the dance floor.”

I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough. 

Now I’m a meteorologist because I can make weather puns.”

What’s the weather’s favorite type of investment? 

A high-pressure system in the stock market.”

Why did the fog break up with the mist? 

We couldn’t see a future together.”

Why did the wind apply for a job? 

It wanted to blow away the competition.”

I asked the weather for a joke, 

but it just kept changing the subject.”


In conclusion, exploring the realm of “90+ Funny Weather Puns and Jokes” has been nothing short of a sunny escape into a world of laughter. From raindrops of humor to lightning bolts of wit, these puns have added a delightful twist to the forecast of our day. 

Whether you’re weathering a storm, scoring goals on the field, or basking in the sunshine, the collection of ’90+ Funny Weather Puns and Jokes’ promises a downpour of smiles. Embrace the whimsical side of both weather and funny sports puns, and let these puns sprinkle your day with joy, making every cloud and game a little bit brighter. ⚽🏀☀️🌧️😄

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