90 Big Head Jokes To Make You Laugh

Big Head Jokes To Make You Laugh refers to humorous remarks or anecdotes that poke fun at someones perceived large head size. These jokes are meant to be funny and lighthearted often exaggerating the size of someones head for comedic effect. They aim to bring joy and laughter to the audience by teasing in a playful manner.

Big Head One-Liner Jokes

1. Why did the big-headed man sit in the shade? Because his head was too big for the sun hat.

2. When the big-headed guy goes to the beach, does he bring a beach ball or does he use his head?

3. Did you hear about the big-headed chef? He always thinks he’s the head cook in the kitchen.

4. Why did the big-headed guy get a job at the bakery? Because he wanted to be the breadwinner.

5. How does a big-headed person keep cool in the summer? They stand near a fan and let their head do the rest.

6. Did you hear about the big-headed politician? He always thinks he’s the head of state.

7. Why did the big-headed person bring a ladder to the bar? Because they heard the drinks were head and shoulders above the rest.

8. What did the big-headed guy say when he won the lottery? I guess having a big head finally paid off.

9. Did you hear about the big-headed musician? He is always ahead of the beat.

10. Why did the big-headed person become a detective? Because they were always good at getting ahead in life.

11. How does a big-headed person use a computer? They just type with their head  it is their built-in keyboard.

12. Did you hear about the big-headed athlete? They never have to worry about headbutting the competition.

13. Why did the big-headed person become a comedian? Because they always had a head start on making people laugh.

14. What did the big-headed person say when they bumped into a door? I should have seen that coming, but my head was in the way.

15. Why did the big-headed person become a scientist? Because they wanted to study the brain power behind their large head.

16. How does a big-headed person play hide and seek? They just hide behind their head. It is the perfect cover.

17. Did you hear about the big-headed fashion designer? They are always ahead of the latest trends.

18. Why did the big-headed person become a pilot? Because they heard it was a heady experience.

19. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their thoughts on life? I will get a lot on my mind literally.

20. Why did the big-headed person become a gardener? Because they love planting seeds of wisdom in their oversized heads.

 big-headed person become a gardener
big-headed person become a gardener

21. How does a big-headed person wear a hat? They just balance it on top of their head.  It is like having a built-in hat rack.

22. Did you hear about the big-headed artist? They always draw things on a larger scale.

23. Why did the big-headed person become a teacher? Because they believed in giving their students a head start in education.

24. What did the big-headed person say when they won the marathon? I guess having a big head really does make you faster.

25. How does a big-headed person ride a bike? They just steer with their head. It is like having a built in GPS.

26. Did you hear about the big-headed astronaut? They were the first person to orbit the earth without a spaceship.  they just used their heads.

27. Why did the big-headed person become a therapist? Because they believed in getting to the head of the problem.

28. What did the big-headed person say when they couldn’t find their glasses? I can not see past my own head.

29. How does a big-headed person go fishing? They just use their head as bait  fish can’t resist a big head.

30. Did you hear about the big-headed actor? They always get top billing  after all they will get the biggest head.

Best Big Head Puns

big-headed person become a banker
big-headed person become a banker

31. Why did the big-headed person become a banker? Because they believed in having a head for numbers.

32. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their ego? It is not an ego. it is just a big head.

33. How does a big-headed person go shopping? They just carry everything on top of their head.  It is like having a mobile shelf.

34. Did you hear about the big-headed inventor? They created a device to measure the size of their own head. it broke after reaching maximum head capacity.

35. Why did the big-headed person become a comedian? Because they believed in the power of a big head joke.

36. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their dreams? I dream big but my head is already there.

37. How does a big-headed person go camping? They just use their head as a tent. It is roomy and provides great shelter.

38. Did you hear about the big-headed doctor? They always have the heady diagnosis.

39. Why did the big-headed person become a lifeguard? Because they believed in keeping a head above water.

40. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their favorite book? Anything with a big head on the cover.

41. How does a big-headed person cook dinner? They just use their head as a chopping board. It is convenient and always available.

42. Did you hear about the big-headed superhero? They saved the day by using their head quite literally.

43. Why did the big-headed person become a chef? Because they believed in the power of a head chef.

44. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their IQ? “I don’t know the number but it is definitely bigger than my head.

45. How does a big-headed person go skiing? They just use their head as a snowboard.  It is like having a builtin slope.

head as a snowboard
head as a snowboard

46. Did you hear about the big-headed musician? They always hit the high notes and their head acts like a natural amplifier.

47. Why did the big-headed person become a scientist? Because they believed in having a head for experiments.

48. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their favorite hobby? I love anything that involves using my head.

49. How does a big-headed person go swimming? They just use their head as a floatation device.  It is like having a builtin life preserver.

50. Did you hear about the big-headed architect? They always design buildings with plenty of head room.

51. Why did the big-headed person become a firefighter? Because they believed in putting out fires before they went over their head.

52. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their favorite movie? Anything with a big headlining actor.

53. How does a big-headed person go skydiving? They just use their head as a parachute.  It is like having a built-in safety net.

54. Did you hear about the big-headed comedian? They always have the headiest jokes.

55. Why did the big-headed person become a scientist? Because they believed in exploring the mysteries of the big head universe.

56. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their favorite food? Anything that’s a real head turner.

57. How does a big-headed person go hiking? They just use their head as a compass. it always points in the direction of adventure.

Sure, here are 40 more big head jokes without repeating previous ones:

58. Why did the big-headed person become a DJ? Because they knew how to spin tracks with their head.

59. How does a big-headed person go bowling? They just roll the ball with their head. It is like having a built-in bowling ball.

60. Did you hear about the big-headed artist? They always paint with broad strokes. Their canvas is their head.

 broad strokes
broad strokes

Funniest Big Head Puns

61. Why did the big-headed person become a lawyer? Because they believed in fighting for head justice.

62. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their favorite TV show? Anything with a big-headed character.

63. How does a big-headed person go horseback riding? They just use their head as the saddle. It is like having a built-in seat.

64. Did you hear about the big-headed writer? They always have a head start on their next novel.

65. Why did the big-headed person become a psychologist? Because they believed in analyzing things from a head perspective.

66. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their favorite holiday? Anything that gives me a chance to show off my big head.

67. How does a big-headed person go mountain climbing? They just use their head as a grappling hook. It is like having a built-in climbing tool.

68. Did you hear about the big-headed actor? They always take the lead role  after all they have the biggest head.

69. Why did the big-headed person become a chef? Because they believed in cooking up heady dishes.

70. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their favorite animal? Anything with a big head like an elephant.

71. How does a big-headed person go dancing? They just move their head to the beat. It is like having a built-in dance partner.

72. Did you hear about the big-headed scientist? They discovered a new planet. They just used their head to navigate through space.

73. Why did the big-headed person become a musician? Because they believed in playing by head.

74. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their favorite dessert? Anything that is a real head turner like a giant cake.

75. How does a big-headed person go rock climbing? They just use their head as a pickaxe. It is like having a built-in tool.

76. Did you hear about the big-headed actor? They always take on challenging roles.They will get the brains for it.

77. Why did the big-headed person become a scientist? Because they believed in having a head for research.

78. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their favorite drink?Anything that is a real head rush like a fizzy soda.

79. How does a big-headed person go surfing? They just use their head as a surfboard. It is like riding the waves with style.

80. Did you hear about the big-headed inventor? They created a machine to measure the size of their head. it exploded after reaching mega head capacity.

81. Why did the big-headed person become a musician? Because they believed in hitting the right notes with their head.

82. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their favorite color? Anything that makes my big head stand out.

83. How does a big-headed person go skateboarding? They just use their head as a skateboard. It is like cruising with flair.

84. Did you hear about the big-headed actor? They always have a head for drama.

85. Why did the big-headed person become a scientist? Because they believed in unlocking the mysteries of the big head universe.

mysteries of the big head universe
mysteries of the big head universe

86. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their favorite hobby? Anything that lets me use my head like puzzles.

87. How does a big-headed person go horse riding? They just use their head as a helmet  safety first even for big heads.

88. Did you hear about the big-headed musician? They always have a head for rhythm.

89. What did the big-headed person say when asked about their favorite song?Anything with a catchy beat. it gets my big head moving.

90. How does a big-headed person go snorkeling? They just use their head as a snorkel.it is like having a built-in breathing apparatus.


In conclusion, big head jokes are a great way to bring joy and laughter into our lives. These jokes, with their playful humor and light hearted nature, can brighten even the dullest of days. Whether it is poking fun at someone’s large noggin or simply enjoying the silliness of it all, big head jokes remind us not to take ourselves too seriously. 

So, the next time you need a good laugh, don’t hesitate to share or enjoy one of these hilarious jokes, like 60+ Hilarious Dallas Cowboys Jokes. After all, laughter is the best medicine, and big head jokes have plenty of doses to go around.

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