80+Apple Puns and Jokes

Apple Puns and Jokes are playful and humorous phrases or stories that involve wordplay related to apples. These jokes often rely on the various meanings or characteristics of apples to create amusing and light-hearted humor. 

They can be puns, which play with the sound or spelling of words or jokes that use apples as a central theme to evoke laughter. These jokes are enjoyable for people of all ages and are a fun way to lighten the mood and bring a smile to someone’s face.

Funny apple puns and jokes

1. Why did the apple stop rolling down the hill? 

It ran out of juice.

2. What did the apple say to the banana? 

Stop peeling around.

3. Why did the apple go to school? 

It wanted to be a smart apple.

4. How do you make an apple turnover? 

Push it down the hill.

5. What is an apple’s favorite movie genre? 

Fruit comedies.

6. Why did the apple go out with a fig Apple Puns? 

Because it could not find a date.

7. Why did the apple go to outer space Apple Puns? 

It wanted to be a cosmic fruit.

8. What did the apple say to the walnut Apple Puns? 

You are driving me nuts.

9. How do you make an apple laugh Apple Puns? 

Tickle its core.

10. Why did the apple break up with the orange Apple Puns?

It could not handle the zest.

Apple Puns and Jokes

11. What is an apple’s favorite band? 

The Cranberries.

12. How do you make an apple turnover without touching it? 

You roll it down a hill and wait.

13. Why did the apple turn red 70 Hilarious Jokes About Veterinarians

Because it saw the salad dressing.

14. What did one apple say to the other during a race Apple Puns? 

I will catch you at the core.

15. Why did the apple go to the doctor Apple Puns? 

It had a bad case of crumbles.

16. What do you get when you cross an apple with a shellfish Apple Puns? 

A crab apple.

17. Why did the apple go to the beach? 

It wanted to get a tan-line.

18. Why did the apple run away from home Apple Puns? 

It did not want to be in the apple pie.

19. What did the apple say to the orange during the argument Apple Puns? 

You are a real pulp fiction.

20. Why did the apple go to school early? 

It wanted to be a core subject.

Apple Puns and Jokes

21. How do you know when an apple is sad? 

It starts to get a little weepy.

22. Why did the apple sit next to the computer? 

It wanted to be a Macintosh.

23. What did the apple do at the party? 

It was the apple of everyone’s eye.

24. Why was the apple so quiet? 

It did not want to start a fruit fight.

25. What do you call an apple that’s been around the block? 

A seasoned fruit.

26. Why did the apple join the circus? 

It wanted to be a juggler’s favorite.

27. How do you make an apple puff? 

Chase it with a fan.

28. Why was the apple afraid to jump into the fruit basket? 

It did not want to bruise its ego.

29. What do you call a sad apple? 

A blueberry.

30. Why did the apple go to the beach alone? 

Because it could not find a pear.

Apple Puns and Jokes

31. How do you make an apple turnover without anyone knowing? 

Give it a little nudge.

32. Why did the apple go to the party alone? 

It could not find a good pair.

33. What did the apple say to the pear? 

Let’s stick together, we make a great pear.

34. Why did the apple turn brown? 

It did not want to be green with envy.

35. What did the apple say to the grape? 

Stop whining.

36. How does an apple a day keep the doctor away? 

By running away with the oranges.

37. Why did the apple go to the doctor? 

It was not peeling well.

38. What is an apple’s favorite TV show? 

The Big Apple Theory.

39. Why did the apple go to the bar? 

It wanted to be a hard cider.

40. What do you call an apple that’s been on a diet? 

A light snack.

Apple Puns and Jokes

41. Why was the apple a bad athlete? 

It kept getting bruised during races.

42. What do you get when you cross an apple with a shellfish? 

A crab apple.

43. Why did the apple run away from the tree? 

It did not want to be a fruit anymore.

44. How does an apple apologize? 

It says, I am sorry for being a little fruity.

45. Why did the apple go to school early? 

It wanted to be a core subject.

46. What do you call a group of musical apples? 

A fruit orchestra.

47. Why did the apple go to the party alone? 

It could not find a good pair.

48. How does an apple a day keep the doctor away? 

By running away with the oranges.

49. Why did the apple turn brown? 

It did not want to be green with envy.

50. What did one apple say to the other during a race? 

I will catch you at the core.

Apple Puns and Jokes

51. Why did the apple go to the beach alone? 

Because it could not find a pear.

52. How do you make an apple turnover without anyone knowing?

Give it a little nudge.

53. Why did the apple turn red? 

Because it saw the salad dressing.

54. What did the apple say to the orange during the argument? 

You are a real pulp fiction.

55. Why was the apple a bad athlete? 

It kept getting bruised during races.

56. What do you get when you cross an apple with a shellfish? 

A crab apple.

57. Why did the apple run away from the tree? 

It did not want to be a fruit anymore.

58. How does an apple apologize? 

It says, I am sorry for being a little fruity.

59. Why did the apple go to school early? 

It wanted to be a core subject.

60. What do you call a group of musical apples? 

A fruit orchestra.

Apple Puns and Jokes

61. Why did the apple go to the party alone? 

It could not find a good pair.

62. How does an apple a day keep the doctor away? 

By running away with the oranges.

63. Why did the apple turn brown? 

It did not want to be green with envy.

64. What did one apple say to the other during a race? 

I will catch you at the core.

65. Why did the apple go to the beach alone? 

Because it could not find a pear.

66. How do you make an apple turnover without anyone knowing? 

Give it a little nudge.

67. Why did the apple turn red? 

Because it saw the salad dressing.

68. What did the apple say to the orange during the argument? 

You are a real pulp fiction.

69. Why was the apple a bad athlete? 

It kept getting bruised during races.

70. What do you get when you cross an apple with a shellfish? 

A crab apple.

Apple Puns and Jokes

71. Why did the apple run away from the tree? 

It did not want to be a fruit anymore.

72. How does an apple apologize? 

It says, I am sorry for being a little fruity.

73. Why did the apple go to school early? 

It wanted to be a core subject.

74. What do you call a group of musical apples? 

A fruit orchestra.

75. Why did the apple go to the party alone? 

It could not find a good pair.

76. How does an apple a day keep the doctor away? 

By running away with the oranges.

77. Why did the apple turn brown? 

It did not want to be green with envy.

78. What did one apple say to the other during a race? 

I will catch you at the core.

79. Why did the apple go to the beach alone? 

Because it could not find a pear.

80. How do you make an apple turnover without anyone knowing? 

Give it a little n

Apple Puns and Jokes

Final Thoughts

Apple puns and jokes are a delightful way to add some humor to any conversation or gathering. They playfully incorporate wordplay and clever twists on common phrases, making them a favorite among many. 

Whether you are sharing them with friends, using them to break the ice, or simply enjoying a good laugh, apple puns and jokes are sure to bring smiles to faces. From puns about apple varieties to humorous scenarios involving apples, there’s endless creativity to explore in this fruity realm of humor. So, the next time you need a chuckle or want to lighten the mood, don’t hesitate to sprinkle some apple puns and jokes into the mix.

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