70+Funny Football Puns, Jokes And One Liners

Funny football puns are clever and humorous plays on words related to the sport of football. These jokes often involve clever wordplay, creating a lighthearted and amusing atmosphere for fans and players alike.

Kick off your laughter with a touchdown of humor.70+Funny football puns are the game-changers, adding a playful twist to the world of sports. From goal-line giggles to clever wordplay, these jokes score big smiles among fans, turning the football field into a field of laughs.

Dive into the lighter side of football with funny football puns! These witty word plays and clever jokes bring a playful spin to the game, making fans and players alike enjoy a match with a side of laughter.

List Of Funny Football Puns

1. Why did the football team go to the bank? To get their quarterback.

2. What do you call a dinosaur playing football? A touchdownosaurus.

3. Why was the football player a great musician? Because he had perfect pitch.

4. How does a football player stay cool during a game? He stands near the fans.

5. What do you call a football player who can’t stop making bad jokes? A pun-ter.

6. Why did the football coach go to the bank? To get his quarterback.

7. Why did the football team bring string to the game? So they could tie the score.

8. Why did the football player bring string to the game? To tie up the score.

9. What do you call a football puns player in a snowstorm? A frostbite receiver.

10. Why did the football team go to the bakery? To get a roll.

Funny Football Puns
Funny Football Puns

11. What do you call a football puns player with a pet bird? A tweet back.

12. Why did the football team go to space? To get a touchdown on the moon.

13. What did the football puns coach say to the vending machine? Give me my quarterback.

14. Why did the football team bring a ladder to the game? To go for a high score.

15. Why did the football player go to school early? To catch the bus.

16. What do you call a football puns player who can play the piano? A quarterback.

17. Why did the football team go to the bank? To get their quarterback.

18. What’s a football player’s favorite candy? Snickers because they satisfy.

19. Why did the football puns player bring a ladder to the game? To go for a high score.

20. What do you call a football player who can’t stop eating ice cream? A sundae receiver.

Funny Football Puns
Funny Football Puns

21. Why did the football player bring a pencil to the game? To draw up a play.

22. What’s a football player’s favorite type of music? Fumble.

23. Why did the football puns player bring a ladder to the game? To go for a high score.

24. What did the football player say to the salad? You can’t tackle me, I’m in a dressing.

25. Why did the football team go to the bank? To get their quarterback.

26. What do you call a football puns player who is always in trouble? A penalty.

27. Why did the football player bring a pencil to the game? To draw up a play.

28. What’s a football player’s favorite movie? Gone with the Wind.

29. Why did the football team go to the beach? To get a touchdown in the sand.

30. What do you call a football puns player who can’t stop telling jokes? A pun-dit.

Funny Football Puns
Funny Football Puns

31. Why did the football player bring a ladder to the game? To go for a high score.

32. What did the football say to the soccer ball? You’re not my type.

33. Why did the football player bring a ladder to the game? To go for a high score.

34. What’s a football puns player’s favorite holiday? Super Bowl Sunday.

35. Why did the football team go to the bakery? To get a roll.

36. What do you call a football player who can’t stop eating? A wide receiver.

37. Why did the football player go to space? To get a touchdown on the moon.

38. What did the football say to the pun? That’s not funny, you’re off-sides.

39. Why did the football puns team bring a ladder to the game? To go for a high score.

40. What’s a football player’s favorite subject in school? History  because they make it.

Funny Football Puns
Funny Football Puns

41. Why did the football player bring a ladder to the game? To go for a high score.

42. What do you call a football player who takes a lot of naps? A wide receiver.

43. Why did the football team go to the bakery? To get a roll.

44. What’s a football player’s favorite type of music? Fumble.

45. Why did the football player bring a ladder to the game? To go for a high score.

46. What did the football coach say to the vending machine? Give me my quarterback.

47. Why did the football player bring a ladder to the game? To go for a high score.

48. What’s a football player’s favorite candy? Snickers because they satisfy.

49. Why did the football team go to space? To get a touchdown on the moon.

50. What do you call a football player who can’t stop making bad jokes? A pun-ter.

Funny Football Puns
Funny Football Puns

51. Why did the football player bring a ladder to the game? To go for a high score.

52. What did the football coach say to the vending machine? Give me my quarterback.

53. Why did the football team go to the beach? To get a touchdown in the sand.

54. What’s a football player’s favorite type of music? Fumble.

55. Why did the football player bring a ladder to the game? To go for a high score.

56. What do you call a football player who is always in trouble? A penalty.

57. Why did the football team go to the bakery? To get a roll.

58. What’s a football player’s favorite movie? Gone with the Wind.

59. Why did the football player bring a ladder to the game? To go for a high score.

60. What did the football player say to the salad? You can’t tackle me, I’m in a dressing.

Funny Football Puns
Funny Football Puns

61. Why did the football team go to the bank? To get their quarterback.

62. What do you call a football player who can’t stop telling jokes? A pun.

63. Why did the football player bring a ladder to the game? To go for a high score.

64. What’s a football player’s favorite holiday? Super Bowl Sunday.

65. Why did the football team go to the bakery? To get a roll.

66. What do you call a football player who can’t stop eating? A wide receiver.

67. Why did the football player go to space? To get a touchdown on the moon.

68. What did the football say to the pun? That’s not funny, you’re off-sides.

69. Why did the football team bring a ladder to the game? To go for a high score.

70. What’s a football player’s favorite subject in school? History because they make it.


In conclusion, the incorporation of Hilarious Corny Jokes adds a lighthearted touch to the game, turning the serious competition into a laughter-filled event. Whether it’s clever wordplay, playful humor, or the charm of “Hilarious Corny Jokes,” these puns bring joy to fans, players, and anyone who appreciates a good laugh. So, next time you’re watching a match, remember that a well-timed pun, especially in the form of “Hilarious Corny Jokes,” can score points in the entertainment department.

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