60+Hilarious Jokes About Seagulls That Will Make You Cry… with Laughter

Hilarious jokes about seagulls are funny anecdotes or remarks that bring humor to the antics and behaviors of these coastal birds. These jokes playfully highlight the quirks and sometimes audacious nature of seagulls, offering a lighthearted take on our feathered friends by the shore.

Prepare to caw with laughter as we dive into a sky full of humor with hilarious jokes about seagulls. From their beachside antics to fearless food heists, these feathered comedians take center stage in a comedy show that’s guaranteed to leave you soaring with laughter. Join the fun and discover the lighter side of seaside squawkers .It’s a winged comedy extravaganza.

Get ready to embark on a laughter-filled journey with our collection of hilarious jokes about seagulls. These witty quips explore the comical side of these coastal birds, capturing their charming and sometimes mischievous behavior. Join us as we take flight into the world of seagull humor, where every squawk becomes a punchline and beachside comedy takes wing.

List of Jokes About Seagulls

1. Why did the seagull bring a pencil to the beach?To draw a line in the sand.

2. What do you call a seagull that can play guitar?A rock-gull star.

3. Why did the seagull refuse to share its food?It was a little shellfish.

4. How do seagulls communicate during a storm?They use seabirds.

5. What’s a seagull’s favorite movie?The Birds, of course.

Hilarious Jokes About Seagulls
Hilarious Jokes About Seagulls

6. Why did the seagull break up with the pelican?It wanted a bird with more depth.

7. What do seagulls do for fun at the beach?They go for a peck-nic.

8. Why did the seagull start a band?It had the perfect pitch.

9. What do you call a seagull that can perform magic?A seagician.

10. Why don’t seagulls ever play hide and seek?Because they always make a splash when they’re found.

11. What did the seagull say to the crab?Stop being so shellfish and share the shoreline

12. Why do seagulls fly over the sea and not the bay?Because then they’d be bagels.

13. What’s a seagull’s favorite TV show?Breaking Squawk.

14. Why did the seagull bring a suitcase to the beach?I wanted to have a gull-packed vacation.

15. How do seagulls apologize?They offer an olive branch  with a side of fish.

16. What’s a seagull’s favorite holiday?Beak-ster.

17. Why did the seagull get a job in customer service?It had a natural talent for handling complaints.

18. What do you call a seagull with a smartphone?A tweet-gull.

19. Why did the seagull go to therapy?It had some deep-seated terns.

20. What’s a seagull’s favorite game?Catch-of-the-day.

Hilarious Jokes About Seagulls
Hilarious Jokes About Seagulls

21. Why did the seagull wear a raincoat to the beach?To avoid getting wet wings.

22. What do you get when you cross a seagull with a cat?A bird that catches its own fish.

23. Why did the seagull bring a ladder to the beach?To reach new heights of squawking.

24. What do you call a seagull with a Ph.D.?A birdbrain with a doctorate.

25. Why did the seagull join a fitness class?It wanted to improve its wing span.

26. What’s a seagull’s favorite type of music?Squawk and roll.

27. Why did the seagull get kicked out of the comedy club?It kept winging it.

28. What’s a seagull’s favorite cereal?Cap’n Crunch.

29. Why did the seagull get a job at the bakery?It kneaded the dough.

30. What’s a seagull’s favorite sport?Beak-etball.

Hilarious Jokes About Seagulls
Hilarious Jokes About Seagulls

31. Why did the seagull bring a map to the beach?It wanted to find the treasure – and maybe some breadcrumbs.

32. What’s a seagull’s favorite superhero?Aquaman  because he’s got the best seafood.

33. Why did the seagull get a ticket?It was caught exceeding the pecking limit.

34. What’s a seagull’s favorite dance move?The wing-wiggle.

35. Why did the seagull start a fashion line?It had an eye for tern trends.

36. What’s a seagull’s favorite social media platform?Instagram  for the beak pics.

37. Why did the seagull go to school?To improve its squawking vocabulary.

38. What do you call a seagull who loves math?A beak-countant.

39. Why did the seagull bring a book to the beach?For some light reading  with a side of fish and chips.

40. What’s a seagull’s favorite type of pizza?Anchovy and seaweed.

41. Why did the seagull get a job as a lifeguard?It had a natural talent for sea-scue operations.

Hilarious Jokes About Seagulls
Hilarious Jokes About Seagulls

42. What’s a seagull’s favorite ice cream flavor?Pelican  because it’s so scoop-able.

43. Why did the seagull apply for a job at the airport?It wanted to be an air-traffic squawker.

44. What’s a seagull’s favorite board game?Catchphrase.

45. Why did the seagull bring a towel to the beach?To dry off after a good swim – and maybe a fish-catching session.

46. What’s a seagull’s favorite type of ship?A fish-and-chips.

47. Why did the seagull become a detective?It had a keen eye for fishy business.

48. What’s a seagull’s favorite Shakespeare play?Much Ado About Squawking.

49. Why did the seagull get invited to the party?It knew how to wing it.

50. What do you call a seagull with a sore throat?A hoarse seagull.

51. Why did the seagull go to the dentist?It had a cavity in its beak.

52. What’s a seagull’s favorite computer program?Adobe Beakshop.

53. Why did the seagull get a job at the popcorn stand?It wanted to make some extra squawkorn.

54. What’s a seagull’s favorite subject in school?Beak-nomics.

55. Why did the seagull start a blog?It wanted to share its daily squawks and adventures.

56. What do you call a seagull that can tell jokes?A squawkster.

57. Why did the seagull cross the road?To prove it wasn’t chicken.

58. What’s a seagull’s favorite drink?Ocean spray.

Hilarious Jokes About Seagulls
Hilarious Jokes About Seagulls

59. Why did the seagull go to the beach with a shovel and pail?It wanted to build a sandcastle – with a nest on top.

60. What’s a seagull’s favorite type of weather?Flock-sunshine.

61. Why did the seagull bring a mirror to the beach?To check out its beak-utiful reflection.

62. What’s a seagull’s favorite type of bread?Crumb-bread.

63. Why did the seagull get a job in construction?It was an expert in beak-building.

64. What’s a seagull’s favorite movie snack?Frischkorn.

65. Why did the seagull get a role in a movie?It had a natural talent for wing-dramatics.

66. What do you call a seagull with a fancy hat?A beak-trendsetter.

67. Why did the seagull go to the library?To check out some beak-ography books.


In conclusion, our journey through the world of ‘Hilarious Jokes About Seagulls’ has been a feather-filled flight of laughter and amusement. These whimsical quips have transformed these coastal birds into the unsuspecting comedians of the shoreline, showcasing their charming and sometimes cheeky antics. As we wrap up this comedic exploration, 

Let the echoes of seagull squawks be replaced with the sound of infectious laughter, proving that even our winged friends by the sea can become the center stage for a delightful comedy show. After all, in the realm of jokes, the sky’s the limit, and these seagulls have certainly soared to new heights of humor. Similarly, the persistent hum of mosquitoes can transform into a symphony of chuckles with ‘Hilarious Jokes About Mosquitoes.’

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