40+ Funny Pencil Jokes

Pencils are writing and drawing utensils. You’ll find them in schools and among artists. Read funny pencil jokes for a good laugh.These jokes play on the common attributes, uses, and characteristics of pencils.

Dive into the whimsical world of ’40+ Funny Pencil Jokes’ where the ordinary writing tool becomes a source of extraordinary laughter. From doodle-worthy punchlines to graphite giggles, this collection promises to sketch out a canvas of hilarity that will leave you doodling with delight.

Step into a realm of whimsy and wit with ’40+ Funny Pencil Jokes.’ This delightful collection promises a lead of laughter as it sketches out a myriad of humorous scenarios, clever puns, and playful anecdotes, ensuring that each punchline leaves you with a point well made and a smile well earned.

Pencil History

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there was no such thing as pencils. Humans had to find other ways to draw and write, like using charcoal or sticks. Then, in the 16th century, a genius named Conrad Gessner came up with the idea of a wooden stick filled with graphite. People loved it because it was way better than using feathers or rocks.

As time went on, pencils evolved. In the 18th century, someone figured out how to encase the graphite in wood, making it easier to hold and use. Soon, factories started making pencils, and everyone could afford to have one.

Now, pencils come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. They’ve been a friend to artists, students, and doodlers alike. From humble beginnings with charcoal and sticks, the pencil became a reliable companion in the human journey of putting thoughts on paper. And they all lived creatively ever after. 

Hilarious pencil jokes

1. Who’s a pencil’s favorite Disney princess?

A pencil’s favorite Disney princess is “Cinder-ella”

2.What did one pencil say to the other at the party?

 Let’s draw the line at dancing badly.

3.How does a pencil apologize? 

It says, “I’m sorry if I drew you the wrong way.”

3. What did the paper say to the pencil?

The paper said to the pencil, “You leave a lasting impression on me’’.

4. What did the sharpener say to the pencil?

The sharpener said to the pencil, “Let’s stay sharp together.”

pencil go to therapy
pencil go to therapy

5.Why did the pencil go to therapy?

 It had too many unresolved issues.

6. Which pencil smells the worst?

The pencil that smells the worst is the “pew”ncil.

7.What’s a pencil’s favorite type of movie? 

A sketch-comedy.

8. Where do pencils go on vacation?

Pencils go on vacation to Pencil-vania.

9.Why was the pencil always smiling? 

It knew how to stay sharp in any situation.

10.Why did the pencil go to school early?

 It wanted to be on point.

11. Which tool do pencils respect the most?

Pencils respect the ruler the most because it helps them draw the line.

pencil say to the notebook
pencil say to the notebook

12.What did the pencil say to the notebook?

 “You complete me’’.

13.How does a pencil take a selfie?

 It draws its best angle.

14.What’s a pencil’s favorite sport?

 Fencing  is a good point.

15.What did one pencil say to the other during a race? 

“You’re ahead, but I’ll catch up.’’

16.Why did the pencil go to the gym?

 It wanted to be a drawing muscle.

Pencil with music
Pencil with music

17.What’s a pencil’s favorite music?

 Anything with a good lead singer.

18.Why did the pencil refuse to fight with the eraser?

 It didn’t want to rub anyone the wrong way.

19. How do you find a lost pencil?

To find a lost pencil, just draw a little closer to it.

20. Why can’t you consider pencils as stationery?

You can’t consider pencils as stationery because they always have a point.

pencil Hair
pencil Hair

21.How does a pencil get its hair done? 

With a sharpener.

22. What did the pencil call its fiancé?

The pencil called it’s fiancé the “write” partner.

23.Why did the pencil blush? 

It saw the sharpener.

pencil travel
pencil travel

24.How does a pencil travel?

 By drawing a line on the map.

25.What did the pencil say during a thunderstorm?

 “I’ve got the writing idea.”

26. What’s a pencil’s favorite streaming platform?

A pencil’s favorite streaming platform is “Pencil-vision”.

27.What do you call a pencil with erasers at both ends?

A pencil with erasers at both ends is called “pointless”.

Pencil pointless
Pencil pointless

28.Why did the pencil go on strike?

 It needed a little sketch of independence.

29.Why do pencils shave?

Pencils shave to stay sharp.

30.Why did the pencil join a band?

 It wanted to draw a big audience.

31.What does a pencil say when you prove it wrong?

When you prove a pencil wrong, it says, “You’ve got a good point.”

32.Why can’t you trust artists who use pencils?

You can’t trust artists who use pencils because they always have a sketchy side.

33.Why did the pencil go to the art museum? 

It wanted to brush up on its history.

Pencil fight
Pencil fight

34. Did you hear about the pencil fight?

Yes, I heard about the pencil fight. It was a real draw.

35. Why do influencers carry pencils?

Influencers carry pencils because they know how to draw attention.

36.Why did the pencil get a ticket? 

It drew outside the lines.

37.Why shouldn’t you decorate your house with pencils?

You shouldn’t decorate your house with pencils because it would be a sketchy idea.

pencil sharpener
pencil sharpener

38.What did the pencil say to the sharpener?

My life would be pointless without you.

39.What do you call a pencil tip’s perspective?

You call a pencil tip’s perspective its “point of view”.

40.Who’s a pencil’s favorite band?

A pencil’s favorite band is the “Led Pencil”.

Led pencil
Led pencil

41.Which pencil was a droid in Star Wars?

The pencil that was a droid in Star Wars is the C-3Pencil.

42.What do you call it when a pen isn’t early or late?

When a pen isn’t early or late, you call it “write on time”.


In conclusion, the collection of “40+ Funny Pencil Jokes” weaves a tapestry of humor around the seemingly simple writing instrument. From puns that draw smiles to witty observations that sketch out laughter, these jokes illuminate the playful side of pencils. 

Whether you’re an artist, a student, or just someone seeking a good laugh, these jokes, including

The Teacher And Students Jokes, paint a canvas of amusement, proving that even the most ordinary objects can become a source of endless comedy. So, sharpen your sense of humor and let these jokes lead you into a world where laughter flows as smoothly as graphite on paper.

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